Exercise Videos
These Stretching and Exercise Videos should only be tried if recommended by Dr. Samuel Adams or one of your other doctors. Only try the exercises that were recommended for your personal treatment plan. Remember to focus on your posture, breath easy, and have fun. If you have any questions, be sure to ask Dr. Sam during your next appointment.
11. "Y" exercise for upper back
12. Thoracic Rotation for upper back
14. Spikey Ball Chest Massage on a Wall
15. Shoulder External Rotation with band
16. Shoulder Internal Rotation with band
18. Isometric Frozen Shoulder Exercises
19. Frozen Shoulder Mobility Exercises
20. Frozen Shoulder Sup. Capsule Stretch
21. Wall Pushups
26. Groin and Hip Flexor Stretch
27. Figure 4 Groin Stretch (Sartorius)
28. Tensor Fascia Latae Stretch
30. The Calf Muscle Stretching
32. Foot Rolling for Plantar Fasciitis